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If you are looking for an inexpensive way to improve the look of your house you can add Planters and Window Boxes. Hang the planters below each one of your windows on the front of your house. Add your favorite flowers and watch them grow. You will add vibrant color to your house as well as a little cheer.
Change the flowers in the spring, summer and fall. Add flowers in the winter if you live in a warm climate. If you live where it is freezing in the winter months you can add a decoration inside of your window box such as ornaments for Christmas or a fake poinsettia.
Planters can add color and beauty to your home as well. If you do not want to plant a garden you can use one or more of the planters for your vegetables. Enjoy fresh tomatoes that are easy to care for inside of the planter(s).
Set the planters on your front step, patio, deck, by your fire pit or anywhere else you feel needs a dash of color.
Planters & Window Boxes make great gifts as well. Give a couple packs of seeds or flowers to be planted in the Planters & Window Boxes.
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